Thursday, January 29, 2015

Love at first sight-10 minute freewriting

I honestly believe in love at first sight. I believe this way because it happened to me and my husband. One of my friends was friends with one of his friends and they wanted to set us up. I had never seen him or talked to him before. We decided to meet each other at lighthouse lanes and go bowling and get to know each other better. We met there, and from the moment that our eyes met, I knew that he was the one. It wasn’t that easy though. That night we got to know each other better and gradually did over the next few months. At first I was being stubborn and didn’t want to let him know that I liked him so I tried to avoid him. It didn’t work. With trying to avoid him I quit talking to him and didn’t answer his texts or phone calls. When I quit doing that he decided to show up at my work to see what was going on. I didn’t talk to him then since I was working. I didn’t want to get in trouble at work. I told him that he needed to leave and that I would talk to him later. He eventually left and I kept working the rest of my shift. What I didn’t know at that time was that he had left the actual building, but he hadn’t left the store. He was parked by my car waiting for me to get off of work so he could talk to me. He knew that if he didn’t talk to me then that I would probably ignore any texts or calls that he sent to me. We talked then about what was truly going on and began to date then. We had only know each other for a little bit of time at this point but we still decided to date anyway. While we were dating was when I was starting at OTC for the first time. My parents were very protective of me when I was younger and in high school also. I could hardly do anything, so when I finished high school and had a bit more freedom, I went way overboard. I wanted to be able to spend time with him, but my parents didn’t want me to because he was 5 years older than me. At that point they thought that he was too old for me and didn’t like the age difference. At that point I was 17 and he was 22. Since my parents didn’t want me spending time with him, I began to skip school to spend time with him. I would leave at the normal time that I needed to get to school, but I would go to his apartment instead. We would talk, spend time together, watch tv, etc. I got to spend time with him without my parents knowing. However, by doing this, I was unable to keep up with school. I was missing too many classes and couldn’t catch up. Also at that point, I didn’t care about going to school. I was tired of having school work since I had just finished 13 years of schooling prior to starting at OTC. I decided at that point to drop out and not pursue any schooling. I instead increased my hours at work and began to spend more time with him also. I told my parents that I was going to spend time with him regardless and that they needed to deal with it. We weren’t doing anything wrong and were just hanging out. Shortly after this time, I decided that I was sick of being treated like a dog on a leash and that I wanted to move out. I told my parents that I was going to move in with him and would come home

Word Count: 643

This I Believe Freewriting List

I Believe In:

-True Love
-Love at first sight
-the Bible
-saving life
-freedom of speech
-awesome jobs
-power of prayer
-acting like a kid
-having fun
-sleeping in
-saving money
-shopping wisely
-spending time with family
-quality time with spouse
-baby wearing
-helping others
-some naturopathic remedies
-eating somewhat healthy
-eating dessert when you feel like it
-warm houses
-my children
-my husband
-my family
-my friends
-trial and error
-research for diseases
-government assistance
-warm clothes
-help for the sick
-help for the needy

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Typology and Writing

I took the Jung Typology Test with a result of ISFJ. ISFJ stands for introvert, sensing, feeling, and judging. This test gives you a percentage of each of these 4 parts. My percentages are below:

Introvert 22%
Sensing 12%
Feeling 50%
Judging 78%

For the most part I agree with my test response. When reading through my explanation, I realized that most things listed applied to me. There were a few however, that didn’t apply with me. I am ok with that though, because I am not meant to fit completely into the “mold” of a certain type. These tests describe humans very well, but they can’t describe someone “to a T” because we are all unique.

When it comes to school and writing, it was interesting to read what my type responses were. This is my first semester of college, so I am not entirely sure yet how I do things. I do remember how I was in high school though. I graduated in 2007, so it wasn’t too long ago. I know that I like information to be clearly communicated, regardless of what I am doing. This also applies to work or even in my personal life. I absolutely hate not getting information that is clear to understand. I also study better on my own. I don’t mind studying in groups, and will do so, but I learn more when I study by myself. If I study with a group, I will go home and study by myself also.

One point that I highly disagreed with was an interest in historical fiction. I have never enjoyed history, regardless of age or school grade level. I could barely pass history in high school because it bored me so much. At that time though, I was more immature and didn't make myself do the work and studying needed even though I hated history. Now that I am older, I know that regardless of topic or class, I must do anything required and study in order to do well. Another point that I didn't agree with was trying new writing processes. I am always willing to try new things in school, I just want to learn as much as possible about them first. When I am assigned a process, I research it first before doing anything else.

I do have an issue with self confidence, and am very rarely confident in any of my abilities. This point also applies to every other part of my life. In my parenting, how I am as a spouse, as an employee, or as a person. This point bothers me quite frequently. As I get older, I try harder and harder to fight that thought away, and I am getting better at being more positive, but it takes a lot of time, and a lot of practice. The worst times for me at being more confident are when I am very tired or trying to do too much at one time.

In high school I was a procrastinator, but not much since then. I got married a few months after I graduated from high school, and then became pregnant 6 months after our wedding day. I had to mature and grow up very quickly so I could be an adequate parent. From that time on, I haven’t really procrastinated. I know that I need to use my time wisely and get things done as they come along instead of putting them on hold. I don’t like things to add up and have more and more to do that hasn't been done.

All in all, I think it was a good assessment tool to determine more about myself. I would actually like to do a more in depth test in the future, but this was a great result for now.