Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2/10/15: Free-writing Post #7

Tonight’s blog comes from the mouth of a very sleepy mommy. Our seven month old daughter had been sick over the weekend with a cold, but she wasn’t getting any better. Last night she didn’t sleep very well due to being so stuffy and congested, and so of course mommy and daddy didn’t either. Today I decided to take her to urgent care after I got off of work due to her continually getting worse and having a fever. I was afraid that she was starting to get bronchitis or pneumonia because I thought that she was sounding “crackly” in her lungs. I was also worried that she might have RSV. The babysitter that she goes to had her own two kiddos sick with RSV and Elizabeth was there with them last week before they got sick. When I went to urgent care they were packed. It seems that a lot of kiddos are sick currently. I believe that it is due to the temperatures changing up and down over and over again. It is so hard for your body to fight things with the temperatures continually changing. It seemed like we waited forever to be seen, but in reality, it wasn’t too bad. We were triaged and they took her vitals, and at that point she had a 101 temperature and looked awful. When we were took back to the treatment room, we only had to wait a little bit before we were seen by the Dr. We had never seen this Dr. before, but we was great. He was only in the room for about 5 minutes, but he was very detailed and made sure he checked everything, and he explained everything well. I love it when we have a doctor that is good at what they do and do it quickly so you can go home. Why stall over it when you could get it done so much faster? My precious princess is now on an antibiotic and eye drops with a diagnosis of upper respiratory infection, double ear infections, and double pink eye. My poor princess is so sick. I sure hope the medicine kicks in soon and that my happy, smiley girl comes back soon.

Word Count: 370 words

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