Thursday, February 12, 2015

2/12/15: Free-writing Post # 9

I think I am starting to get a cold now. Either that or whatever crud is going around right now. I woke up this morning with my throat hurting some, but not like it usually does with a cold or some other bug. I also have a headache, and am incredibly exhausted. I hope that I don’t get anything. I hate being sick, and I definitely don’t have time to be sick. There is no free time currently for me, and I surely don’t have time to be sick and not feeling well on top of it. I hate winter regardless because of all the sickness that goes around, but this year is nuts. All of the up and down temperature changes makes it so hard for our immune systems to handle what is going on. I daily take multivitamins plus other supplements to try to help keep my body as strong as possible, but it still doesn’t help everything. I am very sanitary and always clean my hands also. I just wish there was something else that I could do that I knew would keep me completely healthy. Unfortunately there isn’t such a thing, but it would be awesome if there was. So far I have had multiple colds, as well as having the strain of flu that wasn’t in the flu shot. My husband has had a cold once, and my children have both had colds a few times. I would love for our family to be super healthy and stay that way. I always think that I could do things that would be a good invention and make money off of it, but I have no way of coming up with something that will keep everyone healthy and be able to guarantee it. I believe I should just start a countdown until winter is over and the temperatures will be better.

Word Count: 314 words 

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