Tuesday, February 17, 2015

2/16/15: Free-writing Post # 13

It seems to be harder and harder to be ahead of my assignments lately. I hadn’t been doing too badly, but then life began to happen again. I got sick and had a back cold which made me not want to do anything. After that, my daughter got very sick and of course needed more attention and care. I had been able to do homework after my son was in bed for the night because my husband would put my daughter to bed. When she was sick, bed wasn’t as easy as it usually was. Usually we would get her in pajamas and give her a bottle. She would fall asleep in our arms and we would put her in her bed. Most nights she would stay asleep for the whole night. If she did wake up during the night she was able to put herself back to sleep. When she was sick, she would fight falling to sleep. While drinking her bottle it was hard to her to breathe, so she would get fussy. She fought sleep because she didn’t want to be alone or not held. During this time, there was no way that David could take care of her on her own. I also couldn’t study due to her being very fussy. I went from being ahead on my assignments to completing them at the last minute. My daughter also had to be given antibiotics at night time that she would hate to take. She would try to spit it out when we would put it in her mouth. If she didn’t try to spit out the medicine, she would start gagging and make herself throw up. It made evenings lots of fun, and virtually impossible to do my work. I am attempting to now get back ahead on things, but once you get behind it is very hard to catch up. 

Word Count: 315 words

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