Thursday, February 5, 2015

2/5/15: Free-writing Post #2

Well my first blog post went alright. At first even with a prompt, my mind was blank. I couldn't get anything out. My first post took about an hour and a half to complete. Today I think I will write about becoming a parent.
I love my children to pieces. Becoming a mother was one of the greatest things that has ever happened to me. I first became a mother to my son Joseph. I remember thinking that I might have been pregnant with him, but no pregnancy test would turn positive. I was actually pregnant at that time though. My pregnancy wasn’t that bad, and Joseph was born on April 14, 2009. I never thought that we would ever have any more children. I grew up as an only child, but my husband grew up with 3 other siblings. I never wanted to have a lot of kids, but 2 sounded like a good number to me.  Finances were so tight though, it wasn’t possible to even try for another child. However, when my son was 4, I decided enough was enough. Money wasn’t going to get any better, and we would deal with the struggle and make it through somehow. We got lucky and I became pregnant fairly quickly after deciding to have another child.
I hoped and hoped for a girl. I didn’t want to have more than two children, and I desperately wanted to have one of each. It was the longest wait to get to 18.5 weeks when I would have the ultrasound to determine what our baby’s gender was. I wanted to know as soon as I found out that I was indeed pregnant with our second child. I wanted to know if I was carrying a girl. I wanted to be able to go buy the pink frilly clothes you see at the store, and the pretty dresses.

The day finally came that we got to have our ultrasound, and lo and behold, we were having a girl. Elizabeth Joy was born June 30, 2015. Joseph was so excited to be a big brother, and he does so well with her. 

Word Count: 358 words

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