Monday, February 9, 2015

This I Believe Essays Free-writing

Always Go To the Funeral
Do the right thing when I don’t feel like it no matter what. Regardless of situation or circumstance, date or time, we always need to do the right thing. We never know when doing the right thing will help someone with whatever they are going through. Doing the right thing isn’t that hard for us. It is just a minor inconvenience to us, but means the world to someone else. “Share in life’s inevitable, occasional calamity.”
I have always been the type of person that tries to help others. A few minutes helping others won’t ruin my day any. I try to help because I know what it is liked to help. I will always remember what it felt like to be helped when I needed it, and I want to help others get what they need also.
Be Cool to the Pizza Delivery Dude
We need to show some qualities in all situations of life. Humility, forgiveness, empathy, honor, and equality. No one really wants to be a pizza delivery driver, but at times we have to.
Humility: modest or low view of one’s importance
Forgiveness: change in feelings
Empathy: understand and share the feelings of another
Honor: high respect, esteem
Equality: being equal
Be humble and don’t judge people for what they do for a living. At least the person is trying to do something with their life and not being a bum. Forgive people for being stupid or acting stupid when it comes to anything in life. For me, I need to focus on driving. I need to forgive people for driving like idiots, and be thankful that I am still safe. Use empathy in all circumstances. You never know what someone could be going through, and outside appearances don’t always tell you that.
A Grown Up Barbie
Believe in your own imagination; imagine what you can be and aim for it; imagine what all you could do, and do it. Always aim for the highest and brightest you can be. You never know where life will take you. If you don’t aim for the highest, you never have a chance of getting there.
Leaving Identity Issues to Other Folks
Don’t worry about identity issues. Let other people worry about them. We are free to be whoever we want to be. Who cares what other people think. We have the freedom to choose how we dress, what we eat, when we work, sleep, etc. No matter what you do, don’t forget that it doesn’t matter what other people think. We are only working for ourselves, not others.
Ms. A’s Essay

Random acts of kindness, or planned acts of kindness help others and make us feel good at the same time.

Word Count: 458 words


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