Wednesday, February 4, 2015

2/4/15: Free-writing Post #1

This is my first blog for this assignment, and we will see how it goes. I looked up a writing prompt on one of the website’s that was on Ms. A’s website to help get me going. The prompt is to make a list of 10 things that make you feel any one certain emotion and to then write about one or several things on the list. Here goes….
My emotion I am choosing to write about: Angry
10 things that make me angry:
1. People driving like idiots on the roads
2. People being rude
3. People being disrespectful
4. People taking advantage of others
5. Being treated terribly
6. Not being appreciated
7. People not listening
8. People making fun of others
9. Having to do everything on my own
10. People smoking close to entrances of buildings
1. I absolutely hate people driving like idiots on the roads. I drive safely, but not so super safe that it causes more trouble than good. I am cautious on the roads. When I drive, I don’t want to speed around like a crazy person, or weave between lanes, passing people over and over. I just drive safe and want to get to the final destination safely. I also want my kids to be safe when I am driving.
2.  I hate when people are rude to others. It is so much easier to be nice to other people regardless of the situation. Treat others how you want to be treated. It is that easy. Why don’t more people understand that?
3. Pretty much the same explanation as number 2.
4. If someone is going to do something to help you, that is great. However, don’t take advantage of others. Don’t keep using them for the same thing over and over because you know they will do it. Also, don’t do certain things in a workplace towards someone because you know they will do whatever you do.
5. Along the same lines as number 2 also.
6. I am the type of person that if someone does something for you, you show them how appreciative you are and let them know. Don’t have someone keep doing things for you and not be appreciative. It will make others want to not keep doing things for you.
7.  I hate it when people don’t listen to you. If you need to tell someone something or talk to someone, they have to listen to you. If they don’t listen they won’t have any clue what was said or what to do. There is also the people who pretend that they are listening to you, but didn’t really. They will just occasionally nod their head or say yes.
8. I don’t like it when people make fun of others. For the last 4 years, I have worked with special needs patients or patients that have disorders. Most of those patients get made fun of constantly because they don’t act like everyone else. The only problem though is that most of them can’t control how they act. It is just who they are and they deserve to be treated like everyone else.
9. I get angry when I have to do things on my own. Sometimes at home, I have to do all the cleaning, cooking, taking care of the kids, etc. and wish that my husband was available to help also. It overwhelms me to have to do everything on my own. After working all day long and then having to do that, it is hard.

10. This one is probably the worst for me. I absolutely hate people smoking in front of entrances. We choose not to smoke because we think it is disgusting. I would prefer other people not to smoke, but I can’t make their decisions for them. However, if they choose to smoke, I don’t want to have to be involved in it. I don’t like having to walk through cigarette smoke to get inside Wal-Mart or something similar. If you want to smoke and ruin your lungs, go for it. But don’t make me be exposed to second hand smoke because you choose to smoke. Another factor in this that makes me angry is that my son has asthma. When we try to go to the store as a family, it makes it very difficult. If people are smoking by the doors, or have just recently quit, the smoke is terrible. It makes all of us cough to walk through it, but it is worse for my son. It makes his asthma act up, and I hate that for him. It is bad enough that he has asthma, but I get so mad that someone else’s smoke is hurting my son’s lungs. 

Word Count: 794

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